we radio in every hour on the hour to give our position 意味

  • 現在地を知らせるため毎正時に無線で連絡を入れています


        every hour on the half hour:     (every hóur) on the hálf hóur 毎時30分に.
        every hour on the half-hour:    毎時半ごとに
        every hour on the hour:     (évery hóur) on the hóur (毎)正時に.
        on the hour every hour:    毎正時{まい しょうじ}
        every hour:    every hour 毎時 まいじ
        change every hour:    刻々変化する
        every fourth hour:    4時間ごとに
        every half hour:    半時間ごと、30分おき
        every hour on the half:    毎正時30分に
        once every hour:    1時間に1回、1時間ごとに
        vary every hour:    刻々変化する
        at this hour:    at this hour 今時 いまどき
        by the hour:    {1} : 時間決めで、時間単位{じかん たんい}で、時間{じかん}ごとに I get paid by the hour. 私は時間決めで給与をもらっている。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (賃金{ちんぎん}の支払い{しはらい}を)時間給{じかんきゅう
        hour:     hour n. 時間, 1 時間; 時刻; 正時(しようじ) 《?…時 00 分?のこと》; 時期; 現在; 死期. 【動詞+】 He allowed them an hour to make up their minds. 彼らが決心するのに 1 時間の猶予を与えた The clock boomed out the noon hour. 柱時計がボーンと鳴って正午
        to the hour:    (日だけでなく)時間{じかん}まで正確{せいかく}に、きっかり She told me she would have it back by 3 o'clock to the hour. 3時ちょうどまでにそれを取り戻すと彼女は私に言った。


  1. "we put two reporters on the story" 意味
  2. "we put up the screens in spring and take them down in autumn" 意味
  3. "we quickly realized a significant profit" 意味
  4. "we raced along at 80 miles per hour" 意味
  5. "we raced to see who would finish (his share of the job) first" 意味
  6. "we raised him in our arms" 意味
  7. "we ran into an enemy ambush" 意味
  8. "we ran out of ammunition" 意味
  9. "we ran short of provisions" 意味
  10. "we raced along at 80 miles per hour" 意味
  11. "we raced to see who would finish (his share of the job) first" 意味
  12. "we raised him in our arms" 意味
  13. "we ran into an enemy ambush" 意味

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